Sweet Ideas for your Tea: Honey, Agave, Cane Sugar & Gin (!)

People are using their Bonne O's to create all natural & delicious sparking teas. We have had this question posed to us: Can I sweeten my tea with honey or agave using my Bonne O? Yes! Today we'll show you how. Plus we'll share a Gin, Lemon & Honey Tea Cocktail recipe. Tea-based cocktails are amazing and easy to create with your Bonne O.

When sweetening your sparkling tea with your Bonne O, you can use cane sugar, honey or agave. In all three cases, you simply add a few teaspoons of the sweetener to a glass and add a half cup of water to it to create a dissolved sweet liquid. Pour this dissolved solution in the flavor chamber and voilà! Your beverage will be sweetened the amount you like and with the sweetener you prefer.

We have shown before how you can put tea bags directly in the bottle to create a pressure brewed sparkling iced tea in minutes. Did you also know that you can carbonate tea that you have prepared and chilled? Today we'll use this process to create a Gin, Lemon & Honey Tea Cocktail.

To make this, pre-prepare some brewed tea and chill it in the refrigerator. When ready put some ice cubes, 3/4 cup of gin and top the bottle up with the chilled tea. Take three teaspoons of honey (or sweeten to taste), the strained juice of one lemon and top up with a half cup of water. Pour this sweet and sour solution into the flavor chamber and place one carbonator in the carbonation chamber. Close the system and press the button. Click here for a video of the creation process. Enjoy the delicious combination of tea, lemon, honey & gin. A creative and elegant touch for your summer patio party! 

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