Sparkled Frozen Fruit! Delicious, Healthy & In Season Now!

Sparkled Frozen Fruit! Delicious, Healthy & In Season Now!

Did you know that frozen fruit sparkles as well as fresh fruit? Delicious, colourful, easy & available year-round. Sparkled frozen fruit is a healthy, no added sugar treat that tastes and looks amazing.


To sparkle frozen fruit, simply add a handful of frozen fruit to your Bonne O bottle and then fill the bottle to the rim with cold water. Fill the flavour chamber with water and place a carbonator in the carbonation chamber.

Close up the system and press the button. Frozen fruit quickly adds colour & flavour to the water as it is sparkled.

When complete, remove the sealed, sparkled bottle. You can either refrigerate the bottle sealed for later or open now. If you added a lot of fruit, remember to open carefully, but if you used very cold water, the bottle should open easily. The frozen fruit helps to chill the water even further and absorb more CO2 for great bubbles.

Enjoy this healthy, colourful treat. Go ahead and get creative with the frozen fruit you use. It's a great way to keep your sparkling water delicious & interesting year-round!

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